A History of My Path to Advertising

Being a first-generation college student taught me to have a determined mindset and not let failure deter me from my goals. My college career was not easy, but I learned to accept and learn from my experiences. I believe that failure can help a person grow and get out of their comfort zone. Without a challenge, a person can stay stagnate and not become a better version of themselves. 

I went to UT Arlington initially for Architecture with my creative mindset to become the next Frank Lloyd Wright or Le Corbusier. That didn't last long, considering I discovered that Architecture was just not my calling. I decided to pursue something different that I fell in love with while studying abroad in South Korea, International Relations. Unfortunately, it was not offered at UT Arlington, but I decided to open a new door and pursue a degree in International Business. I decided to let my creative right brain have a break and dive into my logical and analytical left brain. I fell in love with International Business and the concept of expanding my global mindset.

After 2 years in my new major my creative right brain was pushing to come out. I loved International Business, but I wanted to pursue a career where I could use both my analytical left brain and creative right brain. I found my new passion and happy medium in the world of Advertising! The Advertising business is challenging, but rewarding. Being able to use your analytical and creative skills simultaneously is something I've always wanted to do. Once I changed my major to Advertising, I finally felt a euphoric moment I've never felt before in college. Throughout my college experience I grew a lot. Changing through different majors helped me tackle my advertising major in a very unique way. I was able to become a "jack of all trades", which is a valuable asset a well-rounded professional can offer in any field.